What is the CFS Program?
- The Virginia Certified Farm Seekers (CFS) program is a partnership of the Virginia Farm Bureau Young Farmers and the Department of Forestry's Office of Working Land Preservation. The CFS program provides individuals seeking farming opportunities with a method to demonstrate their farming commitment and vision to interested farm or farm business owners.
Why should I become a CFS?
- By completing the program, you are showing farm owners that you have a farm business plan, on-farm experience, and a professional resume and, that you are ready to enter into a farm business arrangement. The program is designed to help you build a positive relationship with the farm owner and to help you transition into the industry*.
How do I become a CFS?
- To become a Certified Farm Seeker, you must complete the online module that relates most to your background.
- There are two tracks: Experienced Farmer Track and Regular Track.
Who has completed the CFS Program?
- A user's profile will show if they are a Certified Farm Seeker. CFS will also be listed first in all farm seeker lists and searches.
More Questions?
- For more questions about the CFS Program, please email: Jennifer Leach at conservation@dof.virginia.gov
*Disclaimer: The CFS program is not a professional credentialing program and does not guarantee a successful match between a farm owner and seeker. The CFS program only aims to highlight farm seekers that have met the credentials of a Certified Farm Seeker.